Our 2020 Reno: The Purchase


by Callie Standridge

about 2 minutes

In February of 2020, my husband and I welcomed our first baby to the world – sweet Lily Rochelle. As anyone with kids knows, those first few months with a baby are an adventure. One of the main things we were focused on was figuring out how and when our baby sleeps the best. When she was crying non-stop at 6pm, we’d put her in her car seat, and go drive around to look at houses. It was a win-win situation. She loved sleeping in her car seat, we loved looking at houses. This was something we did solely for fun, with no intention of moving anytime soon.
Then, when Lily was about 10 weeks old, we found a home we loved. It had the layout we knew we wanted for the next several years, in a neighborhood we had dreamed of being in. So we went for it. We bought the house and decided we were going to have some work done as well. I’ve always had an itch to renovate, so what better time to do so as new parents to a 3-month old and in the middle of a pandemic? (Lol…)

What we thought would be a 12-week project, turned into an 8-month-long renovation.

For anyone who has renovated or built a home, you know that challenges arise along the way. There was always a “thing behind the thing”.  Oh you want new floors? Well you will need to level your home first. You need to level your home? Well, all of your air ducts are going to have to be replaced after that. Each time we thought we reached the end of a phase, we were adding in another. It was a very humbling process as it tested our patience. It was both the best and the hardest thing we’ve done together as a couple. But now that it’s finished, I get excited about encouraging others through their renovation, and telling them what we learned through ours. It’s quite an experience, but so worth it in the end. Check out the following “chapters” to read more about our renovation.


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