Our 2020 Reno: The Process


by Callie Standridge

about 3 minutes

Preparing for a renovation is always full of excitement and anticipation. But going through the renovation can sometimes feel defeating as lead times get delayed and problems arise. Here are some tips and things we learned through the process:

During the reno, do things that keep you hopeful and excited.

We planned our whole aesthetic at the start of our renovation. I do think it’s smart to know what it looks like together, but you don’t have to know this at the very beginning. Give yourself time to choose your cabinet color, floors, tile, wall color, etc. This will help you stay creative in the process, rather than getting frustrated at all of the nitty gritty. We started our reno in June… I knew our aesthetic in June. By the fall, I was exhausted because all we were hearing about was demo, air ducts & drywall. So there were times I went to a tile place to look at tile in person, or went to go look at light fixtures or decor. This helped me stay excited about the end product and to enjoy each step as it came.

Choose a time each week to not think about your renovation or build.

Our renovation challenged our marriage. Yes, there were times when we’d maybe disagree on a decision. But more than anything, we were talking about our home way too much. We would eat and breathe our renovation, and it was sucking the life out of us. Our happiness was dependent upon what was going on at our house, leading to a rollercoaster of emotions. So we began taking one day a week to not talk about the reno, and it was a game-changer. It reminded us that there’s way more to life than what’s going on at our house. So take time, whether you’re married, single, a parent or not, to not think about your project, and go do something fun. You are not a slave to your renovation.

Avoid making decisions based off of impatience.

Anyone would read this and think “isn’t that pretty obvious?” But when you’re in the thick of it, it can be tempting to let impatience, or the desire for convenience, get in the way. Anytime we made decisions out of rushing to get something done, that always led to more hiccups. We ended up regretting the initial decision. Try your best to ensure each step is highly considered, planned for and well thought out. It will save you time and money.

Doing a remodel is a lot to take on and a lot to manage. Once again, take advice from others who have done it, and let people encourage you along the way. You’ll need it. And overall, just have fun! It will be done before you know it 😉


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