Room for New – New Home


by Callie Standridge

about 2 minutes

I have always been passionate about the home. From organization to paint colors and finishes, I love it all. This page is created to serve as design inspiration and tips that you can apply to your own home. Whether it be decorating, rearranging, painting, renovating, I hope this blog provides you with the inspiration and motivation you need to make your home yours.
If you are looking for someone (a.k.a. me) to decorate or redesign a space for you, head over to the contact page and fill out the form. I would LOVE to help you!

When I first finished design school, I had no idea how I was going to use what I had just learned. There are so many young people who love to decorate their homes on their own. With inspiration in the palm of our hands, anyone is capable of making their home beautiful. I love the opportunity to design or decorate for others, but not everyone wants to spend their money on a designer.
So my desire is to help you feel inspired in updating your own home. I love the name “Room for New” because there is always room to make a space feel new, and “new” doesn’t have to mean “expensive”.
If you’re looking for inspiration, head on over to my blog. There you will find tips, tricks, and even links to other bloggers or designers that have helped me in my design journey.
If you are looking for someone to decorate or redesign a space for you, head over to the contact page and fill out the form. I would LOVE to help you!

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